Monday, July 29, 2024

Late Thanks - Nguyen Van Thanh Class 28

Late Thanks - Nguyen Van Thanh Class 28

Nguyen Van Thanh Class 28/Vietnam National Military Academy;
Mr. Tran Chau Giang, Class 22/Vietnam National Military Academy;

Chi đoàn 3 Thiết Giáp nằm ở bên phải, bên kia đường rẽ phải, khoảng trên dưới 100 m.

Dear Mr. Tran Chau Giang;

When you joined to the 3rd Armored Regiment; located in Pleiku; in 1968, my family and I fled the Tet Mau Than 1968 battle at the ditch; opposite the 3rd Armored Regiment (the ditch is on the left of this picture). 

At that time, I was still a high school student. My family lived closely with many soldiers families of the 3rd Armored Regiment, opposite the Regiment's Camp. And my wish and aspiration was to join the Vietnam National Military Academy when I grew up. I tried my best to do well at school and practice martial arts tirelessly for this ideal.

Our family lived where was on the left in this picture. It was about 100 meters from the intersection. On the right was the 3rd Armored Regiment's military base. On the left was where we lived. And thank you to the 3rd Armored Regiment for lending my family a GMC to take my father to his final resting place in the summer of 1969.

Thanks to the 3rd Armored Regiment.
Thank you for your help.
Your younger fellow soldier;
Nguyen Van Thanh Class 28 - October 25, 2023......

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